Donors and director give school-supply to students

Founder of ACO installed a water well for a community in Siem Reap

ACO school give school-supply to students
Our vulnerable students at ACO school
Teaching activity at Angkor Charity School
Volunteer group and founder prepared to restore a house in Komphem community, Siem Reap

Director & studets joined a photo at ACO-school
Food for his vulnerable children at ACO

Founder gave rewarding letter to his vulnerable students at ACO

Director gave bicycles to his vulnerable students at ACO

Our vulnerable students joined photo with donors at ACO
Founder gave his donors an appreciation certificate

Student are practicing computers at ACO
Founder of ACO conducts students to practice computer
Aco Projects
Current News
The Angkor Charity Organization is a non-governmental, apolitical, secular and non-profitable organization was established on February, 21, 2009 in the brain child of Mr.Nou Tat (Chairman/Founder) and his dedicated charitable colleagues for the benefit to those less fortunate within the poor community. And it was officially registered and recognized under The Ministry of Interior of The Royal Government of Cambodia on March, 31, 2011 (Regis N°: 700). Angkor charity Organization provides life-changing education, vocations to our local vulnerable children whose ages ranging from 5-16 withi...Read more...